Credit Rebuilding

What We Do

How it Helps You

  • Customized credit building plans
  • Credit system education
  • Detailed credit rebuilding tips & strategies to maximize your credit
  • 1 year of unlimited support
  • New credit recommendations increase your credit score
  • Professional guidance ensures you maximize your credit score
  • Increases your financial confidence when applying for new credit
  • Increased credit scores and ensures you qualify for the lowest interest rates

Poor credit affects your ability to buy a home, car, travel and even find a place to rent. If your score is below 650 this service is for you.


About us

CanFi Mission Statement

CanFi is the primary source of tools for Canadians to realize their financial goals. We create and distribute the building blocks of sound financial expertise to underserved Canadians. 

Credit Rebuilding

Transform Your Credit, Transform Your Future

CanFi takes a personalized approach to credit building, creating customized plans that align with your financial objectives and circumstances. By tailoring our strategies to your unique needs, we ensure that every step you take contributes to a stronger credit foundation and a brighter financial future.

CREDIT Rebuilding

Empowerment Through Education

We believe that knowledge is key to effective credit management. Our comprehensive credit education resources empower you with a deeper understanding of the credit system, equipping you to make informed decisions and take control of your financial well-being.

Empower Your Finances Speak With An Expert For More Information

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