Credit Review

What We Do

How It Helps You

  • Professional review of credit reports
  • Provide strategies to fix identified credit errors
  • Unlimited support to ensure credit report accuracy 
  • Perfect service ahead of any upcoming credit applications
  • Our credit report analysis identifies credit errors you may not see
  • Fixing credit reports increase your credit score
  • We provide easy to follow strategies never published online
  • Many credit errors cause new credit declines

If you have upcoming credit applications for mortgages, credit cards, or places to rent this service is for you


About us

CanFi Mission Statement

CanFi is the primary source of tools for Canadians to realize their financial goals. We create and distribute the building blocks of sound financial expertise to underserved Canadians. 


Professional Credit Report Analysis

CanFi specializes in providing meticulous and professional reviews of your credit reports. We analyze every detail to ensure accuracy and identify any potential errors that may be impacting your credit score.


Tailored Strategies to Fix Identified Credit Errors

Once we pinpoint any discrepancies in your credit report, we craft customized strategies to rectify these errors effectively. Our personalized approaches are designed to optimize your credit profile and improve your creditworthiness over time.

Empower Your Finances Speak With An Expert For More Information

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