
We do great work. To ensure we are always meeting the expectations of our customers, we are always asking for new reviews. Sometimes we make mistakes and when we do we work hard to fix it. We might not be perfect but we strive to offer the best service possible.  

Read about what our customers say about our financial empowerment education:

The help I never new existed….

The support I’ve received in the aftercare program is impressive. Douglas at 4 Pillars made the process extremely smooth. The education provided is simple enough and easy to take in. It would take some time to gather all of this useful information on your own. This program does it for you and fast tracks you to the meat and potatoes of what you need to know to rebuild your finances.

It’s never too late to Learn

I’m totally new at this whole experience – I’m in my 80’s and never had any formal training in money management. You guessed it ……yep struggled my whole life living from pay check to pay check , spending money I didn’t have. Did not acquire huge debt but stressed all the time juggling to meet my bills and do not have sufficient retirement money. Relying on my kids for some help. My point it is “It’s never too late to learn”. This program is so thorough and easy to follow. It’s is a very positive experience.

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